Sermons Search For A Sermon. Skip to Videos All Sermons | How to Study, Interpret, and Apply the Bible | A Church God & You Will Love | Christmas 2024 | Guest Speaker | Prescriptions For A Healthy Home | Living in Babylon | Dr. Joel Beeke | Jonny Ardavanis | Harry Walls | Wayne Wolf | The Gospel of John | 2/2/25 Five Signs of the Falsely Assured (John 8:37-47) - Jonny Ardavanis 1/26/25 Are You a True Disciple? (John 8:31-36) - Jonny Ardavanis 1/5/25 "How To Die In Your Sins" (John 8: 21-30) - Jonny Ardavanis 12/29/24 "God's Sufficient Word" (2 Timothy 3:16-17) - Jonny Ardavanis 12/22/24 "Mighty God, Prince of Peace'' (Isaiah 9:1-7) - Jonny Ardavanis 12/15/24 "He Emptied Himself: The Wonder of the Incarnation'' (Philippians 2:5-11) - Jonny Ardavanis 12/8/24 "I Am The Light Of The World'' (John 8:12-20) - Jonny Ardavanis 12/1/24 "Why You Can Believe The Bible'' - Jonny Ardavanis 11/24/24 "Thankful Sheep, Grateful Guests'' (Psalm 23) - Jonny Ardavanis 11/10/24 We Will Not Bow (Daniel 3) - Jonny Ardavanis 10/27/24 "No Compromise, No Regrets" (Daniel 1:1–21) - Jonny Ardavanis 10/20/24 "Living in Babylon" (Daniel 1:1-2) - Jonny Ardavanis 10/13/24 "Thirst, Come, and Drink" (John 7:25-52) - Jonny Ardavanis 10/6/24 "The Peril Of Unbelief" (John 7:1-24) - Jonny Ardavanis 9/29/24 "Bread of Life Discourse" (John 6:35-71) - Jonny Ardavanis 9/15/24 "I Am the Bread of Life" (John 6:22-35) - Jonny Ardavanis 9/8/24 "Do Not Be Afraid, It Is I" (John 6:16-21) - Jonny Ardavanis 9/1/24 "Jesus Feeds The Masses" (John 6:1-15) - Jonny Ardavanis 8/25/24 "The Jealousy Of God" (Malachi 1-2) - Jonny Ardavanis 6/9/24 "The Woman At The Well" (John 4:1–18) - Jonny Ardavanis 6/16/24 "Spirit And Truth" (John 4:16–26) - Jonny Ardavanis 6/23/24 "The First Evangelist" (John 4:27–42) - Jonny Ardavanis 8/11/24 "Witnesses to Christ" (John 5:31-47) - Jonny Ardavanis 8/4/24 "Seven Realities Regarding Coming Judgment" (John 5:25-30) - Jonny Ardavanis 7/28/24 "Jesus on Trial" (John 5:17-24) - Jonny Ardavanis 7/21/24 "The False Religion Of Legalism" (John 5:1-16) - Jonny Ardavanis 7/14/24 "Taking Jesus At His Word" (John 4:43-54) - Jonny Ardavanis 7/7/24 "The Healing of the Paralytic" (Mark 2:1-13) - Jonny Ardavanis Check Out More Resources.