Stonebridge Kids
Mission Statement
“Our purpose is to Equip families in the spiritual formation of their children. To Engage kids in an exciting, fun, and loving way. Lastly, it is to Evangelize every kid that comes into our ministry with the Gospel.”
Sunday Mornings
Age range: Birth-5th Grade
Meeting Time: Every Sunday at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:05am.
Kids Check-In: Stonebridge Kids check-in is open as you arrive for each of our Sunday serves. The kids' check-in area, marked with a large "Stonebridge Kids" graphic, is located immediately to the left as you enter the lobby.
By understanding the special love God has for children and their spiritual potential before God, we are seeking to teach children the good news of the Gospel through age appropriate lessons. Our goal is to provide a loving and engaging environment for kids to learn and play in while supporting and encouraging their parents. We aim to instill Biblical truths into the children’s lives weekly while also having fun!
Buddies Program
Our Buddies Program is part of Kids Ministry, providing buddy support for kids (babies through 5th grade) with special needs on Sundays. Currently, we offer Buddy support at the second service.
We aim for full integration: bringing our kids with special needs into as much of Kids Ministry as possible.
If this is something you are interested in for your child please fill out our Buddies Form which will provide us more information on how to minister to your child and family in the best way we can.
8 Pillars of Kids Ministry
Mt 18:1~6; 19:13~14
Ps 8:1,2 “from the mouths of babes”.
Deut 6:4-9; 11;18,19; Ps 78:4~7; 1 Thess 2;11
Ps 145:3, “Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.”
Ps 145:3, “Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.”
Prov 22:6
James 1:22-25
1 Thess 5:14
Stonebridge Kids Leaders.
Justin Wolf
Tyler Taddie