Titus: Set in Order and Appoint Elders
by: Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor
March 7, 2021


Titus: Set in Order and Appoint Elders

by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | March 7, 2021


by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | March 7, 2021

Titus: Set in Order and Appoint Elders


Titus, a young minister, is left on the island of Crete by Paul to begin the challenging task of organizing new converts into local churches.  In this letter, Paul shares with Titus some practical wisdom regarding church organization and administration.  Leaders must be chosen on the basis of proven character and conduct; false teachers must be quickly detected and removed; church members of all ages must be encouraged to live lives worthy of the gospel they claim to believe.  Young and old, leader and laity, must demonstrate the reality of their faith by being “careful to maintain good works.”  (Wilkinson & Boa, Talk Thru The Bible.)

Michael continues The Big Book series, teaching on the book of Titus.