Micah: The Victorious Conqueror
by: Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor
March 8, 2020


Micah: The Victorious Conqueror

by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | March 8, 2020


by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | March 8, 2020

Micah: The Victorious Conqueror


Michael teaches an overview of the book of Micah, a reminder of God’s Word, His coming judgment, and His gracious goodness. From Bruce Wilkinson’s and Kenneth Boa’s, Talk through the Bible: “Micah prophesied during a period of intense social injustice in Judah. False prophets preached for riches, not for righteousness. Princes thrived on cruelty, violence, and corruption. Priests ministered more for greed than for God. Landlords stole from the poor and evicted widows. Judges lusted after bribes. Businessmen used deceitful scales and weights. Sin had infiltrated every segment of society. A word from God was mandatory.  Micah enumerates the sins of the nation, sins which will ultimately lead to destruction and captivity. But in the midst of blackness there is hope. A Divine Deliverer will appear and righteousness will prevail. Though justice is now trampled underfoot, it will one day triumph.”