Mark: The Servant, Par Excellence
by: Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor
August 30, 2020


Mark: The Servant, Par Excellence

by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | August 30, 2020


by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | August 30, 2020

Mark: The Servant, Par Excellence


From Wilkinson’s and Boa’s Talk Thru The Bible:  “Mark, the shortest and simplest of the four Gospels, gives a crisp and fast-moving account of the life of Christ. With few comments, Mark lets the narrative speak for itself as it tells the story of the Servant who is constantly on the move preaching, healing, teaching, and finally dying for sinful men. A ministry disciples, and finally culminates on the cross. There the Servant who “‘did not come to be served,’” makes the supreme sacrifice of servanthood by giving “‘His life a ransom for many’” (10:45). And that pattern of selfless service becomes the model for those who follow in the Servant’s steps.” Michael teaches on the book of Mark.