Philippians 2:19-24: Timothy - An Example of Faithfulness
by: Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor
November 14, 2021


Philippians 2:19-24: Timothy - An Example of Faithfulness

by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | November 14, 2021


by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | November 14, 2021

Philippians 2:19-24: Timothy - An Example of Faithfulness


Dr. Easley continues in the book of Philippians chapter 2, verses 19-24. Unpacking Timothy’s character qualities and spiritual gifts, Dr. Easley highlights Timothy’s genuine concern for God’s church, his gift of encouragement, and his proven worth. Dr. Easley encourages listeners to follow Timothy’s lead and yield to the Lord  and seek to serve others.