John 1:29–37 | The Lamb of God / The Gospel of John - Jonny Ardavanis
by: Jonny Ardavanis, Teaching Pastor
March 3, 2024


John 1:29–37 | The Lamb of God / The Gospel of John - Jonny Ardavanis

by Jonny Ardavanis, Teaching Pastor | March 3, 2024


by Jonny Ardavanis, Teaching Pastor | March 3, 2024

John 1:29–37 | The Lamb of God / The Gospel of John - Jonny Ardavanis


Jonny Ardavanis continues teaching through the Gospel of John. This week we look at John 1:29–37, and unpack the significance behind John the Baptist declaration of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.