Galatians: It Was for Freedom...
by: Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor
November 27, 2022


Galatians: It Was for Freedom...

by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | November 27, 2022


by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | November 27, 2022

Galatians: It Was for Freedom...


How do you know if a person is saved? What do we believe? How do we behave—and can that be measured? As Christians we generally agree on belief, but what behaviors are acceptable? This is precisely the question Paul addresses to the church in Galatia. “The Epistle to the Galatians has been called “the charter of Christian liberty.” It is Paul’s manifesto of justification by faith and the liberty it produces. (Paul confronts) … -people who are willing to give up the priceless liberty they possess in Christ. Certain Jewish legalists are influencing the believers in Galatia to trade their freedom in Christ for bondage to the Law. Paul writes to refute their false gospel of works, and to demonstrate the superiority of justification by faith.” (Wilkinson & Boa, Talk Thru The Bible)  Join us as Michael teaches on the book of Galatians.