by: Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor
October 25, 2020



by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | October 25, 2020


by Dr. Michael Easley, Teaching Pastor | October 25, 2020



According to Wilkinson and Boa in their book Talk Thru The Bible, Luke begins the Book of Acts where he left off in his gospel. Acts records the initial fulfillment of the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19–20 as it traces the beginning and growth of the New Testament church. Christ’s last words before His ascension were so perfectly realized in the Book of Acts.  A key verse, Acts 1:8, provides an outline for the book:

First, you’re going to receive power to be My witnesses. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit will be with you permanently. To be My Witnesses in:
Jerusalem: Peter’s ministry is the primary focus –Acts 1-7
Judea & Samaria: Philip’s ministry –Acts 8-12
Remotest part: Paul’s ministry the bulk of Acts –13-28
This one verse is a literary masterpiece.  Join Michael as he teaches on the Book of Acts, or The Acts of The Apostles, but perhaps more aptly titled: The Acts of The Holy Spirit.